Art Direction, Hand Lettering, Print Design, Branding — 2018 to 2019
For my senior graphic design project I created xoxno, a social campaign disguised as a commercial brand. The “brand” mimics Valentine’s Day propaganda and replaces classic chivalrous content with material from today’s evolving and complex romantic culture. It is sourced entirely from direct quotes from various dating websites, social media messages, and public catcalls. 
The campaign aims to use communicative design to starkly showcase a social issue by juxtaposing romantic ideals with explicit advances. I intended to startle the audience by presenting these contrasting scripts in a way that caught the viewer off guard.
Similar to the overwhelming display of Valentine’s Day novelties in stores, this campaign mirrors the inundation of distressing messages people face daily in their pursuit of love, aimed at both teens and adults.
My audience will be uncomfortable and made aware of the environment in which we are pressured to find “true” love today. xoxno is outrageously ironic and questions when humanity lost all sense of respect. In regards to branding my campaign, the intention was to capture the tactile essence of commercially printed cards and novelties while still making the digital influences present.
Instructor: Michelle Bowers